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How the Marketing Plan Changes in 2021 (and in time for Covid)

Sarah Ahmed
6 min readJul 5, 2021

The new digital strategies in time of Covid 19

Knowing the market and studying it at any time means achieving full possession of marketing techniques and dynamics, intuiting trends, anticipating them and obtaining greater visibility for your company.

Marketing strategies and plans indirectly regulate the sectors of global but also territorial business, and in turn allow us to understand the right trend in relation to the mutations of the economy. They anticipate flows and changes that can arise from external causes and the consequences of events, such as is currently happening following the Covid 19 pandemic that has hit the world.

This is why 2021 will be a year where marketing plans will need new innovative strategies , which adapt to this specific context in all its variables.

The eCommerce market and the importance of technological development for companies

On a global level, stock market closings are being recorded lower, with the markets engulfed by an unprecedented economic and financial crisis in almost all sectors. On the other hand , eCommerce remains a fixed point , which are demonstrating through digital marketing that they can withstand any external shock and destabilization . However, to optimize profits and choose the right strategies, it is essential to understand in a timely manner how the market changes and in which direction it is moving.

Our agency also moves hand in hand with these changes: we operate in the communication and marketing sector to allow companies to develop new plans by choosing the most innovative technologies . We support brands and entrepreneurs to overcome this particular period where consumer habits, strategies and marketing plans of companies are changing, as well as the way to approach markets in any sector.

The boundary between physical store and digital store is increasingly thin, with the difference that eCommerce manage to overcome any economic crisis. Virtual stores recorded a significant increase in turnover in 2020, as happened in the past during the 2007 banking crisis: even then eCommerce proved to be the only sector not to suffer from the crisis, and indeed to record sales increases.

Marketing strategies during the lockdown

During the lockdown in March, we received tons of requests for help, advice and support from companies, small businesses and entrepreneurs from all sectors. Concerns were related to the development and design of digital solutions for remote monitoring. The promptness of reaction has given us the opportunity to face the problem immediately since it arose, to arrive prepared for the various consequences and to be operational for different companies to find the most correct solutions immediately.

How the habits of consumers and sellers are changing with digital marketing

Consumer habits have totally changed compared to last year, and will continue to change even from month to month: there will be a need for new marketing strategies to optimize profits and act on the market in a winning way. An example to give substance to our words: following the first wave of Covid 19 that hit Italy and then the rest of the world, there were not only very strong increases in consumption and purchases in the large-scale retail trade, but There was also a substantial increase in eCommerce, both in terms of the number of companies born, and in terms of the turnover recorded by digital stores.

Consumer habits have changed radically, even those who had never bought through eCommerce for the first time have dedicated themselves to online shopping. A variation of great importance that all companies, large or small, must take into account. The data is available on the finance and statistics platforms, but it is not the numbers that interest us, at least for now.

Be careful though! This change was not entirely sudden, in recent years the Web had already got its hands on the market, revolutionizing classic marketing and switching it into digital marketing, capable of operating through different channels, in fact today we are talking about multichannel digital marketing. What does this mean?

New multi-channel digital marketing plans

It means that every brand or entrepreneur must necessarily own a company website and share content, products, services and the virtual showcase, through the most used social networks, to be visible and wipe out competitors.

If on the one hand you have more job opportunities through the web, on the other you have to equip yourself to face the incredible competition at national, international or world level. Here is the need to approach this channel in a thoughtful and careful way: planning must be done, strengths found, analyzing the competition, setting the right platform, promoting. During this growth process, it is important to have a communication agency alongside, capable of optimizing multimedia processes and intervening with new and increasingly innovative marketing plans suited to the Covid era.

All brands experiencing an offline market have felt the need to readjust to change and to follow consumer habits. This need applies to both brands operating worldwide and local businesses.

Marketing strategies and plans from the future: a practical example

This title is not accidental, but stems from a specific need as regards the world of marketing, namely that of preventing the future. This means implementing winning communication and marketing strategies and always being one step ahead of your competitors or marketing itself.

Throughout history, we have often seen the creation of innovative promotional strategies that have achieved success that could not have been foreseen.

A practical example of a successful communication and marketing plan of a brand that has adapted promptly to the needs of the market is certainly that of a famous beer brand (we do not mention names 😉) that has been able to convert the its communication strategy, implementing numerous initiatives to support the sectors in crisis in which it operates.

Anticipating trends is always better than following them

This dynamic digital marketing and communication strategy is a virtuous example of an effective and winning communication plan, even in a critical context such as the one we are experiencing.

Precisely because several new and never easy to predict scenarios could open up, it is essential to understand how Covid 19 will affect digital marketing strategies and plans for 2021: anticipating trends is better than following them.

The digitalization process underway for all aspects of our life — from social to work, even the medical and catering sectors — has above all the human factor behind it. In fact, it is wrong to think that digitizing means entrusting the relationship with the customer exclusively to a cold technology, indeed: it consists instead of the opposite, that is to make a more solid and human bond.

Digitization allows precisely the breaking of space-time barriers: on the one hand, the product or service offered reaches the end customer via social channels, on the other hand it makes available the products or services that customers can purchase with a simple click.

Thanks to an innovative and effective digital marketing plan by Covid, the communication of companies becomes not only immediate but also analytical, allowing you to maintain a direct relationship with customers even in a period of lockdown, when no one can leave the house and there are fewer people passing through the streets of the city or the streets of the country. In this sense, the Web has become an interactive window on the world, where it is possible to look out and have an entire universe just a click away.

Implement effective marketing strategies in 2021

The marketing plans for next year will change, following the digital path towards the multimedia horizon. If in the past years these changes have occurred gradually, the process is about to accelerate by exploiting the descent of events, so it is essential not to be left behind and to implement an innovative marketing plan.



Sarah Ahmed

Digital Marketing and Social Media Savvy/ Writer love to write about current affairs and economic affairs/ Commerce graduate